Common Questions About Starting a Business with No Money
What Is The Easiest Business To Start with No Money?
The easiest business to start with no money is to do something you’re already skilled at and won’t have to hire employees right off the bat. If you have a skill like writing, coding, or graphic design, offer those services to other businesses in your community. Then, once you do a great job, you can ask current clients for referrals and grow your businesses from there.
How Much Money Do You Need To Start a Small Business?
This depends on what the business is. Starting a local bakery will be more costly than starting an accounting business from home. If you’re using skills and equipment you already have and working from home, the cost to start a small business is very low. Even when it comes to setting up a legal entity, like an LLC, business owners can do that for $0+ state fees with Bizee’s service. Start your LLC here.
Can I Start a Business Without Forming a Legal Entity?
Sole proprietors that want to conduct business can file for a DBA — or “doing business as” — name. In most states, registering a DBA name gives your business the ability to use a fictitious business name. However, a DBA name is not the same as a legal business entity. It doesn’t give you the same limited liability or legal protections as an LLC or other corporate structure for your business. Want to get your DBA filed? Learn more about Bizee’s DBA filing package.
Form Your Business Today For $0
Setting up a legal entity, like an LLC, for your business shouldn’t break the bank. With Bizee, there’s no monetary blocker when it comes to getting your business off the ground. Start your LLC today for $0 and get a free registered agent for a year.